Tuesday 26 May 2009

Another blow by this "1"

Jason Lake aka "1" knows how to be number 1. This time Jason Lake has

proved that he can do anything to be number one. Brand Complexity no

doubt means to be best wether its the 1.6 scene or the source complexity

has proved itself.
So this time Lake instead of making a new team and taking it to the top complexity gaming has simply bought the already top team . Yes ! Complexity had bought all the contracts of x3o , which I think is currently top team of America.

So the new coL will be :

Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman
Ryan "Ninespot" Bell
David "savi0r" Park
Jeff "hero" Mettetal
Derek "dboorN" Boorn

Friday 22 May 2009

Old school expels its oldest kids !

In a very much expected event the Complexity Gaming has a announced release of its CS 1.6 squad. After very poor peroformance by the team which left them just as a mediocre team from USA, they were not able to gain rights to play in any of the recent International tournaments. Jason Lake said he was very disappointed by this and the brand Complexity was not defined by this team.Complexity currently ranked 9th in ESEA league has an All-star squad of some the mmost experienced e-athletes.But since their induction after the fall of CGS they have never been able to give performance that would be expected from a team like that.
The rooster contained :
  • Justin "sunman" Summy
  • Mike "method" So
  • David "zid" Chin
  • Sal "Volcano" Garozzo
  • Erik "da_bears" Stromberg

Statement from Lake posted on complexitygaming.com.
"We feel an integral part of this rebuilding process is the construction of a championship caliber Counter-Strike squad worthy of representing the world’s best gaming community: the coL Community. We will not rest, nor be satisfied, until we once again find the championship combination of players that possess the traits necessary to earn a long standing tenure with our organization and make our fans proud. With that being said, most of our research has already been conducted and we expect to announce the new roster very soon."

The new Complexity roster is expected to be released in the coming days as Jason Lake that the research for new squad has been carried for a while and the draft will be announced soon.
The complete announcement by Complexity Gaming can be read at http://www.complexitygaming.com/index.php?c=news&id=902

Moreover Sal "Volcano" Garozzo has announced retirement from Proffessional Gaming because he has found a full time job (for those who don't know he has a degree in Computer Science).

Thursday 21 May 2009

Thanks to Valve !!

Its really cool to know that Valve has released another pack of updates to the best game of the world. These new updates will greatly improve the gameplay of CS 1.6 because most of these update are for the bugs that have been nightmares for the competititve gaming for years, which gave birth to a large number of disputes both on LAN and internet.
Though the Valve took back all its updates that were part of its recent attempt to abolish crouch walking due to huge negative response from fans around the globe. We hope Valve will come with some other way to abolish this extremely exploited part of game which will be accepted by fans too.

In the latest updates Valve has -
* Rolled back recent silent walking exploit fixes as we investigate less impactful ways of preventing the bug* Adjusted bomb bounding box to prevent silent plant exploit* Fix to eliminate or significantly reduce "flashbugs"* Fixed status icons (buy zone, bomb zone, etc) disappearing when starting a recording, or issuing a fullupdate* Prevent creating aliases using the same name as existing cvars* Rate limit fullupdate and some other commands to prevent spamming* Fixed an issue with grenades where they could go into an area and bounce infinitely, causing the server to choke and or crash

Many of these updates to 1.6 have been a long time coming, and also hopefully will have a positive impact on the competitive scene, the removal of flash bugs and silent planting will greatly reduce possible disputes in both online and LAN play, along with the reversal of the botched fix Valve implemented last month for crouch hopping should improve competitive play at all levels.Other updates such as the nade bouncing fix and the buy zone when recording fix are sure to be much appreciated and it's nice that someone at valve took the time to fix some of these old bugs, hopefully with continued support by Valve 1.6 will keep becoming a more bug free game for all of us to enjoy for many more years to come.

Wednesday 6 May 2009

Offscreen bloodshed stains Counter-Strike

This is a consequence that is always been talked about by people. Video games turn gamers violent.In Novosibirsk, Russia, a simple one on one game of Counter-Strike ended in the brutal murder of a seventeen-year-old by his fourteen-year-old rival. This is indeed shocking !!!

According to the investigation report on the Novosibirsk Prosecutor’s Office website, the two boys had met at a local cyber café to play Counter-Strike together. Alexei, the older of the two boys, had continuously defeated his younger rival which led to several fights breaking out, only to be broken up by the café's administrator. During the night, both boys were drinking alcohol and continued to play the game, despite their rapidly degrading relationship.
After yet another defeat Alexander decided to take revenge on Alexei.

With his another 17-year-old friend he waited outside until around 3 a.m. when Alexei finished playing and left the club. Then Alexander hit him with a brick on the head, and beat him to death.The half-buried body was discovered the following morning by residents. In court the killer testified that his older friend just stood by and watched the murder. He was found guilty and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment at a penal colony for minors.

This shocking event will surely lead to another debate about cons and pros of Video Games especially one that deals with violence and bloodshed.

Saturday 2 May 2009

Skillet Roxx !!

Thnx to CND Production for making the movie "FORSAKEN" and including the song "Falling inside the black" into it. That was the first time I heard any of Skillet,though at that time i was not aware of the band. The song rocked me , but I didnt knew anything about the song, then came Ranade he told me the name of song and the artist. I dnloaded the song and it reaaly rocked. The next thing I did was downloading the complete discography of Skillet. And believe me they are worth listening.

Here is a short intro to Skillet..

Skillet is an American soft rock band, formed in Memphis, Tennessee in 1996. The band consists of John Cooper (lead vocalist, bassist), his wife Korey Cooper (guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist), Ben Kasica (guitarist), and the newest member Jen Ledger (drummer). Skillet has released seven studio albums, the latest two receiving Grammy nominations: Collide and Comatose.Over the past 12 years, Skillet has spanned many different genres, including alternative rock, industrial rock, and hard rock.
# 1996: Skillet
# 1998: Hey You, I Love Your Soul
# 2000: Invincible
# 2000: Ardent Worship
# 2001: Alien Youth
# 2003: Collide
# 2006: Comatose

They have announced another album named awake to be released this august.

Dont miss there album Camatose,it simply Rocks. With songs like "Rebirthing","Whispers in the Dark","The Older I Get","Those Nights" and "The Last Night" it was nominated for best Rock album at grammy .
So do listen them!!

Friday 1 May 2009

Flashbug can be removed from CS 1.6 in near future

In the official CS 1.6 BETA Forum, Valve developer Toni Sergi has posted that he has found a possible fix for the infamous flash bug that has plagued Counter Strike for years. The developer apparently was able to do a very quick fix for this problem. Valve has come under fire in recent days for its patch to fix "Russian Walking".

The "flashbug" caused the flash grenade to effect players in areas where it should not and has been the cause of many disputes in competitive CS over the years. The bug was so important to the competitive community that "flash bug fixed maps" were used by most leagues and professional organizations. No estimated time for when the fix will be implemented has been given.

Below is a snippet from the posts by Valve developer Toni Sergi.

"Okay, I just worked out a potential fix; it at the very least fixed THAT one, it _should_ fix all of them though."

"I read the thread, went for a smoke, had an idea for what's causing it from the youtube video tested it out unmodified to duplicate the bug (by making the flashbang not explode for 20 seconds so i could get into position), went 'hmmm..', made the change to attempt to fix it, went in and tested again, no flash in tunnel. but i can still be flashed under normal circumstance." -Toni Sergi

* this was an article from www.gotfrag.com

Those who don't know about flash bug in CS 1.6 , watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oxl0gbKYj44